Nobelstraße 19
70569 Stuttgart
Journal articles and book chapters
- Resch, M., Currle-Linde, N., Kuester U., Risio, B., Computational Mechanics Applications in a Novel Grid Framework, WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Application, Issue 3, Volume 4, pp. 445-452, March 2007.
- Thilo Kielmann, Gosia Wrzesinska, Natalia Currle-Linde, Michael M. Resch, Redesigning the SEGL Problem Solving Environment: A Case Study of Using Mediator Components, Integrated Research in Grid Computing, Gorlatch, S., Daneluto, M (EDs.), pp 255-269, Springer Verlag, 2007.
- Sirvent, R., Badia, R., Currle-Linde, N., Resch, M., Grid Superscalar and GriCoL: Integrating Different Programming Approaches ,in Gorlatch, S., Bubak, M., Priol, T. (Eds.), Integrated Research in Grid Computing, pp 139-151, Springer Verlag, 2007.
- H. Bouziane, N. Currle-Linde, C. Perez, and M. Resch. Analysis of Component Model Extensions to support the GriCoL Language , In; Making grids Work, pp 45-59, Springer, 2008.
Other Refereed Papers
- Yudin, Y., Krasikova, T., Dorozhko, Y., Currle-Linde, N. and Resch, M., An Efficient Workflow System in Real HPC organization, International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG 2010), 20-22 September 2010.
- Sonntag, M., Currle-Linde, N., Görlach, K.,Karastoyanova, D, Towards Simulation Workflows With BPEL: Deriving Missing Features from GriCoL, ; In 21st IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, 2010.
- Currle-Linde, N., Resch, M., Time Features of Computing Components and the Economic Planning of Resource Transactions , Proceedings of the 9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing (GRID '08), pp 292, Tsukuba, Japan,2008.
- Currle-Linde, N., Resch, M., An Abstract Language and Environment for the Creation of Efficient Grid Applications, 9th International Workshop on State-of-the-Art in Scientific and Parallel Computing (PARA'08),Trondheim, Norway,2008.
- Natalia Currle-Linde, Christian Perez, Michael Resch, Massimo Coppola, Component Measurable Values and Services: A Technology for the Conclusion of Resource Transactions, Proceedings of the CoreGRID Integration Workshop, pp.311-322, 2008.
- Nadia Ranaldo, Giancarlo Tretola, Eugenio Zimeo, Natalia Currle-Linde, Wasseim AL Zouabi, Oliver Mangold, Michael Resch, Denis Caromel, Alexandre di Costanzo, Christian Delbe, Johann Fradj, Mario Leyton, Jean-Luc Scheefer, Integrating Calcium, SAWE, SEGL with a ProActive based scheduler, Proceedings of the CoreGRID Integration Workshop 2008.
- Currle-Linde, N., Resch, M., GriCoL: A Language to Bridge the Gap between Applications and Grid Services, Volkert, J., Fahringer, T., Kranzlmueller, D., Schreiner, W. (Eds.), 2nd Austrian Grid Symposium, pp 199-211, Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft, 2007.
- Currle-Linde, N., Resch, M., GriCoL: A Language for Grid Computing, in Gannon, D., Badia, R., Buyya, R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing (GRID '06), pp. 311-312, Barcelona, Spain, 2006.
- Currle-Linde, N., Boes, F., Adamidis, P., Resch, M., GriCoL: A Language for Scientific Grids, Sloot, P.M.A., van Albada, G.D., Bubak, M., Trefethen, A. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing (E-SCIENCE '06), IEEE Computer Society, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2006.
- Resch, M., Currle-Linde, N., Kuester U., Risio, B., A Grid Framework for Computational Mechanics Applications, Mastorakis, N. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd WSEAS International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics (MECHANICS'06), pp. 360-369, Venice, Italy, November 20-22, 2006.
- Sirvent, R., Badia, R., Currle-Linde, N., Resch, M., Grid Superscalar and GriCoL: Integrating Different Programming Approaches,in Gorlatch, S., Bubak, M., Priol, T. (Eds.), Integrated Research in Grid Computing, Proceedings of the CoreGRID Integration Workshop, pp. 68-80, Krakow, Poland, 2006.
- Bouziane, H., Perez, C., Currle-Linde, N., Resch, M., A Software Component-based Description of the SEGL Runtime Architecture, in Gorlatch, S., Bubak, M., Priol, T. (Eds.), Integrated Research in Grid Computing, Proceedings of the CoreGRID Integration Workshop, pp. 261-273, Krakow, Poland, 2006.
- Currle-Linde, N., Kuester, U., Resch, M., Risio, B., Science Experimental Grid Laboratory (SEGL) Dynamical Parameter Study in Distributed Systems, in Joubert, G., Nagel, W., Peters, F., Plata, O., Tirado, P., Zapata, E. (Eds.), Parallel Computing: Current & Future Issues of High-End Compunting, Proceedings of the International Conference ParCo 2005, NIC Series, Volume 33, Juelich pp. 49-56, Malaga, Spain, 2005.
- Currle-Linde, N., Boes., Lindner, P., Pleiss, P., Resch, M., A Management System for Complex Parameter Studies and Experiments in Grid Computing, in Gonzales, T. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 16th IASTED International Conference on PDCS - International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, Acta Press 2004, pp. 34-39, MIT Cambridge, MA, USA, 2004.
- Boes F., Currle-Linde, N., Lindner, P., Schmid, R., Pleiss, J., , GCB04 - German Conference on Bioinformatics, Bielefeld, Germany 2004.
- Peggy Lindner, Natalia Currle-Linde, Michael M. Resch and Edgar Gabriel, Distributed Application Management in Heterogeneous Grids, in proceedings of the Euroweb 2002 conference, Oxford, UK, December 17-18, 2002.
Workshops, Conferences and other Papers
- N. Currle-LInde, M. Resch: Strategy for the development of tools for large-scale and real-time simulation, International Scientific Conference, SIMULATION-2010, May 12-14, 2010, Kiev, Ukraine.
- N. Currle-Linde, M. Resch, and U. Kuester, SEGL: A problem solving environment for the design and execution of complex scientific Grid applications, in Krause, E.; Shokin, Y.I.; Resch, M.; Shokina, N. (Eds.), Computational Science and High Performance Computing III, the 3nd Russian-German Advanced Research Workshop, Springer, 2008.
- Lazar Kirchev, Minko Blyantov, Vasil Georgiev, Kiril Boyanov , Ian Taylor, Andrew Harrison, Stavros Isaiadis, Vladimir Getov, Natalia Currle-Linde, Mapping "Heavy" Scientific Applications on a Lightweight Grid Infrastructure, Proceedings fo the CoreGRID Integration Workshop, Piza, November, 2005.
- Currle-Linde, N., Risio, B., Kuester U., Resch, M., The Role of Supercomputing in Industrial Combustion Modeling, in Resch, M., Boenisch, T., Benkert, K., Furui, Y., Seo, Y. (Eds.), High Performance Computing on Vector Systems, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, pp. 109-125, 2006.
- Currle-Linde, N., Adamidis, P., Resch, M., A Tool for Complex Parameter Studies in Grid Environments: SGML-Lab, in Krause, E., Shokin, Y., Resch, M., Shokina, N. (Eds.), Computational Science and High Performance Computing II, the 2nd Russian-German Advanced Research Workshop, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Volume 91, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 317-329, 2005.
- Currle-Linde, N., Resch, M., Time Features of Computing Components and the Economic Planning of Resource Transactions , Proceedings of the 9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing (GRID '08), Tsukuba, Japan, 2008.
- Natalia Currle-Linde, Christian Perez, Michael Resch, Massimo Coppola, Component Measurable Values and Services: A Technology for the Conclusion of Resource Transactions, Proceedings of the CoreGRID Integration Workshop,2008.
- Nadia Ranaldo, Giancarlo Tretola, Eugenio Zimeo, Natalia Currle-Linde, Wasseim AL Zouabi, Oliver Mangold, Michael Resch, Denis Caromel, Alexandre di Costanzo, Christian Delbe, Johann Fradj, Mario Leyton, Jean-Luc Scheefer, Integrating Calcium, SAWE, SEGL with a ProActive based scheduler, Proceedings of the CoreGRID Integration Workshop, 2008.
- Currle-Linde, N., Resch, M., GriCoL: A Language for Grid Computing, in Gannon, D., Badia, R., Buyya, R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing, Barcelona, Spain, 2006.
- Nadia Ranaldo, Giancarlo Tretola, Eugenio Zimeo, Natalia Currle-Linde, Wasseim AL Zouabi, Oliver Mangold, Michael Resch, Denis Caromel, Alexandre di Costanzo, Christian Delbe,Johann Fradj, Mario Leyton, and Jean-Luc Scheefer A Scheduler for a Multi-paradigm Grid Environment , CoreGRID TR-0155, July, 2008.
- M. Aldinuccia, A. Bassob, F. Baudec, H. Bouzianec, S. Campaa, D. Caromel, J. Cunhad, M. Classene, M. Coppolaa, N. Currle-Linde, M. Daneluttoa, P. Dazzih, S. Gorlatchi, L. Henrioc, S. Mc Goughf , C. Perezc, N. Ranaldok, E. Zimeok, G.Zoppia, Proceedings of the Programming Model Institute Technical meeting 2008 , CoreGRID TR-0138, May, 2008.
- Natalia Currle-Linde, Michael Resch, Christian Perez, Massimo Coppola, Measurable Component Values and Services: the Economic Planning of Resource Transactions, CoreGRID TR-0125, 2008.
- Sirvent,R., Rosa M. Badia, Natalia Currle-Linde, Michael Resch, Grid Superscalar and GriCoL: Integrating Different Programming Approaches, CoreGRID Technical Report TR-0073, Februar 2007.
- Hinde Lilia Bouziane, Natalia Currle-Linde, Christian Perez, Michael Resch, Analysis of Component Model Extensions to support the Gricol Language, CoreGRIDWorkshop on Grid Programming Mode Grid and P2P Systems Architecture Grid Systems, Tools and Environments , in M. Danelutto, P. Fragopoulou, V. Getov (Eds.), CoreGRID Technical Report TR-0080, June 2007.
- Hinde Lilia Bouziane, Christian Perez, Natalia Currle-Linde, Michael Resch, A Software Component-based Description of the SEGL Runtime Architecture, CoreGRID Technical Report TR-0054, July 2006.
- Lazar Kirchev, Minko Blyantov, Vasil Georgiev, Kiril Boyanov, Ian Taylor, Andrew Harrison, Stavros Isaiadis, Vladimir Getov , Natalia Currle-Linde, Mapping "Heavy" Scientific Applications on a Lightweight Grid Infrastructure, CoreGRID Technical Report TR-0024, Januar 2005.
- N. Currle-Linde, Time Features of Computing Components and the Economic Planning of Resource Transactions , in the Russian-German workshop on Computational Science and High Performance Computing, St.Petersburg, May 20-23, 2008.
- N. Currle-Linde, SEGL: A Problem Solving Environment for the Design and Execution of Complex Scientifc Grid Applications , 3rd Russian-German Advanced Research Workshop on Computational Science and High Performance Computing, Akademgorodok, Russia, July 23-27, 2007.
- N.Currle-Linde, A Grid Management System for the solution of complex simulation problems , Ukrainian – German Workshop on Simulation on Supercomputers, Sevastopol, Ukraine, September 11, 2007.
- N. Currle-Linde, Task Manager Component for SEGL Parameter Sweeping , Grids@Work, Third ProActive and GCM User Group, Sophia-Antipolis, France -November 29, 2006.
- Natalia Currle-Linde, Michael Resch, GridCoord and the role of standardization in Grids, First ETSI GRID Standardization Meeting , Sophia-Antipolis, France, September 30, 2005
N Currle-Linde, Ein Grid-Management System für die Lösung komplexer Simulationsprobleme, Forschungs- und Entwicklungsberichte , ISSN0941 -4665, HLRS-03, August 2007